Represents a qualified reference to another resource. Patterned after the RFC5988 Web Linking Model
Instances of as:Link can have the following properties:
From class as:Link | |||
as:height | owl:DatatypeProperty | The display height expressed as device independent pixels | xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
as:href | owl:DatatypeProperty | The target URI of the Link | xsd:anyURI |
as:hreflang | owl:DatatypeProperty | A hint about the language of the referenced resource | xsd:language |
as:rel | owl:DatatypeProperty | The RFC 5988 or HTML5 Link Relation associated with the Link | xsd:string |
as:width | owl:DatatypeProperty | Specifies the preferred display width of the content, expressed in terms of device independent pixels. | xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
@prefix as: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
as:Link a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Link"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Represents a qualified reference to another resource. Patterned after the RFC5988 Web Linking Model"@en ;
owl:disjointWith as:Object .