as:TentativeAccept leaf node





Actor tentatively accepts the Object

Superclasses (3)


Instances of as:TentativeAccept can have the following properties:

From class as:Activity
as:actor owl:ObjectProperty Subproperty of as:attributedTo that identifies the primary actor owl:Thing
as:instrument owl:ObjectProperty Indentifies an object used (or to be used) to complete an activity owl:Thing
as:origin owl:ObjectProperty For certain activities, specifies the entity from which the action is directed. owl:Thing
as:result owl:ObjectProperty Describes the result of the activity. For instance, if a particular action results in the creation of a new resource, the result property can be used to describe that new resource. owl:Thing
as:target owl:ObjectProperty Describes the indirect object, or target, of the activity. The precise meaning of the target is largely dependent on the type of action being described but will often be the object of the English preposition "to". For instance, in the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the target of the activity is John's wishlist. An activity can have more than one target. owl:Thing
From class as:Object
as:content owl:DatatypeProperty The content of the object. owl:Thing
as:duration owl:DatatypeProperty The duration of the object xsd:duration
as:endTime owl:DatatypeProperty The ending time of the object xsd:dateTime
as:published owl:DatatypeProperty Specifies the date and time the object was published xsd:dateTime
as:startTime owl:DatatypeProperty The starting time of the object xsd:dateTime
as:summary owl:DatatypeProperty A short summary of the object owl:Thing
as:updated owl:DatatypeProperty Specifies when the object was last updated xsd:dateTime
as:attachment owl:ObjectProperty Identifies a resource attached or related to an object that potentially requires special handling. The intent is to provide a model that is at least semantically similar to attachments in email. owl:Thing
as:audience owl:ObjectProperty Identifies one or more entities that represent the total population of entities for which the object can considered to be relevant. owl:Thing
as:bcc owl:ObjectProperty Identifies one or more Objects that are part of the private secondary audience of this Object. owl:Thing
as:bto owl:ObjectProperty Identifies an Object that is part of the private primary audience of this Object. owl:Thing
as:cc owl:ObjectProperty Identifies an Object that is part of the public secondary audience of this Object. owl:Thing
as:context owl:ObjectProperty Specifies the context within which an object exists or an activity was performed owl:Thing
as:generator owl:ObjectProperty Identifies the entity (e.g. an application) that generated the object. owl:Thing
as:icon owl:ObjectProperty Indicates an entity that describes an icon for this object. The image should have an aspect ratio of one (horizontal) to one (vertical) and should be suitable for presentation at a small size. owl:Thing
as:image owl:ObjectProperty Indicates an entity that describes an image for this object. Unlike the icon property, there are no aspect ratio or display size limitations assumed. owl:Thing
as:inReplyTo owl:ObjectProperty Indicates one or more entities for which this object is considered a response. owl:Thing
as:location owl:ObjectProperty Indicates one or more physical or logical locations associated with the object. owl:Thing
as:replies owl:ObjectProperty Identifies a Collection containing objects considered to be responses to this object. as:Collection
as:shares owl:ObjectProperty owl:Thing
as:tag owl:ObjectProperty One or more "tags" that have been associated with an objects. A tag can be any kind of Object. The key difference between attachment and tag is that the former implies association by inclusion, while the latter implies associated by reference. owl:Thing
as:to owl:ObjectProperty Identifies an entity considered to be part of the public primary audience of an Object owl:Thing
as:url owl:ObjectProperty Specifies a link to a specific representation of the Object owl:Thing


@prefix as: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

as:TentativeAccept a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "TentativeAccept"@en ;
    rdfs:comment "Actor tentatively accepts the Object"@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf as:Accept .